
Welcome to Anime/Manga Fandom, the ultimate destination for anime and manga enthusiasts. Our website provides a wealth of information on all things anime, including statistics and analysis, trending news, wallpaper, and much more. 

We take pride in being the go-to source for everything anime and manga, and we are committed to providing high-quality, accurate, and up-to-date information. Our team of passionate writers and researchers is dedicated to ensuring that our readers get the most out of their anime experience. 

At Anime/Manga Fandom, we understand that the anime and manga community is a close-knit group, and we strive to foster a sense of belonging by providing a platform for fans to connect, share ideas, and stay informed. 

We welcome everyone to our website, whether you're a seasoned fan or just getting started. Our email, fandom.animemanga@gmail.com, is always open to your suggestions, comments, and questions. 

Thank you for visiting Anime/Manga Fandom. We hope you find our website informative and engaging, and we look forward to sharing our love for anime and manga with you.

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